Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Old Lakers, from the NYTimes sight

em llegeixo un article del NYTimes sobre els 'vells Lakers', he de dir que d'ençà que ha començat la temporada NBA 2012-13 és el tema que m'es m'ha motivat....observar la caiguda d'una espècie d'Armada Invencible muntada per a l'ocasió a base de (no podem dir talonari, però sí de imposar-se o forçar altres franquícies amb el logo Lakers com a principal virtud, a costa de deixar altres equips sense res de res, peladets, 'vease Orlando o Philly-un Bynum lesionat no és cap regal)

estan vells? mal ajustats? despistats per canvis d'entrenador a les primeres de canvi (jo ja no l'hauria deixat començar...)? o senzillament egos q no volen ser reduïts i per tant, més val ser la 'prima donna' que jugar per l'equip?

no ho sé, el cas és q ara ja han passat uns dies, sembla que poden jugar bé, però no em sembla q tinguin ni qualitat ni esperit necessari per jugar en equip...= fracàs.

em sorpendria que entressin en play-off...però qui sap, la màgia de l'esport pot fer que si hi arriben, inclús facin la temporada més increïble de la història!!
(recordem que cap equip q està en aquestes alçades amb el seu rècord ha acabat guanyant el títol...sí 7 equips han entrat-i perdut- a primera ronda de play-off!!!

I'm reading a NYT article about the 'old Lakers', I have to tell you, since NBA season started, this Lakers' staff has captivated the observe their downfall it's kind of the Armada Invencible story (see Spain's history of a huge amount of ships that were supposed to devastate British Island with not even one man dead....and yes, as you were thinking, they lost and runaway leaving Britain as surrenders) set through high salaries (forcing other teams to give away their best players going nothing in return, see Orlando and Philly-an injured-Bynum is not exactly a nice gift....)

are they old? bad adjusted? lost by coach changes (I wouldn't even let Mike Brown starting the season)? or simply egos that don't want to be shortened and so, to prefer being a 'prima donna' thant playing for the team?

IDK, the thing is that now, that a few days have gone, it seems that they can play well, although it doesn't seem that they have the quality and the spirit are needed to play in a Team...= failure.

I'd be surprised if they get the play-off...but, who knows, sports are magic, and it would bring them to the post-season and create the most incredible story in NBA history!!
(just for the record, none team at this point with their record has finished raising the NBA title, yet, 7 teams have reached playoff - and lost- 1st round!!!