us he deixat massa temps, ho sento.
moltes coses a comentar... l'Est ja no em sembla lo poderós que em semblava fa uns 2 mesos, no veig a Miami amb aquella frescura de l'any passat i aquella capacitat de remuntar sempre, passi el que passi (malgrat ho van poder fer amb els Grizzlies divendres, però en part perquè estaven sense Gasol...), ni veig fort tampoc a Indiana que, amb alguns canvis a la plantilla i el pas de les jornades, li pesa ser un gran, i són líders encara per la estranya temporada de Miami. La resta, millorant, però sense opcions. Ni Toronto, ni Chicago, ni Brooklyn faran res amb els 2 gegants mencionats prèviament. Amb l'arribada de Phil Jackson a NY, no descarto una sorpresa a primera ronda si els Knicks entren a Playoff, això sí, si juguen contra Indiana.
a l'oest, quina llàstima que la final no la juguin els 2 millors equips globalment, de l'NBA, potser caldria canviar les normes?? (em fa molta ràbia que la competència de l'oest faci que entre ells només quedi un equip, quan, com equip, els millors són a l'oest).
bé, Oklahoma i San Antonio van a velocitat de creure, i això que els primers tenen a Westbrook entrant i sortint de l'alineació constantment. San Antonio, com sempre, sense fer soroll, líders i guanyant la majoria de partits difícils de forma clara (han jugat alguna pròrroga??), porten 13 victòries seguides, i això, a l'oest, té mooooooolt mèrit!! M'agraden. Per cert, Durant porta bastants partits de 25 o més punts, apropant-se a la marca de Michael Jordan... Clippers i Rockets són, per mí, les sorpreses agradables, més afiançades amb el pas de les setmanes, però no els veig capaços, encara, de guanyar a San Antonio, i potser sí de guanyar a OKC. Compte però, que els Grizzlies des de la tornada de Gasol són el millor equip de la lliga en aquest balanç parcial, i serà un òs dur per a qui li toquin a primera ronda (perque entren a Playoff seguríssim). Portland es desinfla i no tinc clar si el seu lloc el podria ocupar Phoenix. Sigui com sigui, aquests 2 equips han donat espectacle i han estat sorpreses agradables, m'agradaria que ambdós obtinguessin el premi d'entrar a Playoff.
Veiem unes coses curioses:
-qui porta balanços de 5-5 i 4-6 als últims 10 partits a l'Est?? (Indiana i Miami)
-i 8-2?? (NYK i Brooklyn)
-i a l'Oest 10-0 i 9-1?? (SanAntonio i Clippers)
-i 7-3?? (OKC, Memphis, Houston i Golden State)
fins aviat!!
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sorry, I've been out too much time.
Many thinks to comment. The East doesn't look that scary that it use to. I don't see Miami with that freshness from the last season, with the ability of severe comebacks at anytime against anyone (they could against the Grizzlies, though they lost Gasol for the 2nd half). I don't see that strong Indiana either, after a few changes in the roster and the weeks going through, they are probably overwhelmed by being a 'big' team, and I think they're leaders because of the weird's Miami season. The rest of the teams, well, ...improving, but just that. Nor Toronto, nor Chicago, nor Brooklyn will do anything to mention against the big 2 fellas in the East. Despite all, because of the arrival of Phil Jackson to NYK organization, I don't dismiss NYK beating Indiana if they finally got the 8th seed.
The West, a different story. I'm sorry the NBA Finals are not played by the 2 best teams in the league, as I think the best teams are in the West. May be a rules change is needed???
Well, Oklahoma and San Antonio are cruising, despite the constantly dip-in dip-out season from Westbrook for OKC. San Antonio, as usual, without noise, are leaders, and winning most difficult games by comfortable margins (are they played a single overtime yet??), they've won 13 in a row, and, in the West, that's veeeeeeery impressing!! I like them. By the way, let's see if Durant, with many games scoring 25 or more, can match Michael Jordan's record. Clippers and Rockets are, to me, the sweetest big surprises, more solids as teams with the season going on, though I don't see them capables of beating San Antonio (may be OKC), yet... A different thing are the Grizzlies, as since Gasol came back, are the best team of the whole league in this partial vision, and they will be a tough oponent to swallow by any top seed. Portland is going flat, and I'm not sure if they place would be occupied by Phoenix. Whatever happens, these 2 teams have given enough spectacle to deserve a playoff spot, to me.
Let's see some curiosities:
-who's 5-5 and 4-6 in the last 10 in the East? (Indiana and Miami)
-who's 8-2? (NYK and Brooklyn)
-and 10-0 and 9-1 in the West? (San Antonio and Clippers)
-and 7-3? (OKC, Memphis, Houston, Golden State)
c u soon!!!