Tuesday, March 26, 2013



1. Who will be the No. 1 overall seed, with home-court advantage through The Finals?=Miami.
Totalment d'acord, Miami sembla la 1ª (i quasi única) potència a l'Est, tret potser d'Indiana, que ja l'any passat els va posar en problemes. Però aquesta temporada, amb LeBron fent de tot i molt bé....difícil per Indiana, que s'ha de dir que sense fer soroll, ha anat de menys a més. Qui sap....Òbviament, el calendari de Miami no es pot comparar amb qualsevol equip de l'Oest, on la lluita és més dura. Veurem què fa OKC aprofitant que Parker està fora unes setmanes. Tot i així, l'any passat no els va servir de res l'avantatge de camp.

Fully agree, Miami seems the 1st (and likely the only one) power in the East, except maybe for Indiana, which already last season put Miami in very much trouble. However, this season, with a LeBron James doing everything and very good....tough for Indiana, I have to say that, with no making noise, that have gone from bottom to top, though. Who knows... Obviously, Miami's schedule it can't be compared with none in the West, where fight is harder. We'lls see how OKC will take advantage from Parker's loss. Anyway, last year OKC did not 'use' of home court adavantage.

2. Who wins the West?=OKC.
També d'acord. OKC com fa un moment deia, pot treure avantatge de la baixa de Parker. No veig als Clippers agafant OKC ni Denver amb tant temps o Memphis amb dinàmica guanyadora fins al final.

Fully agree too. OKC, as I just said, would take advantage from Parker's recent loss. I don't expect the Clippers reaching OKC, not even Denver has enough time to get them (they're playing good enough!), or Memphis winning in a row until the end of regular season.

3. Will the Lakers make the playoffs?=?.

Jo penso que sí. Són d'aquelles coses que passen. No puc dir que serà cosa dels àrbitres, la Lliga, els jugadors, l'entrenador (no, això segur que no...)... només és que crec que passarà. Em costa de creure que aquests nois no poden fer un equip que no entri a playoff. Suposo que tots els jugadors faran un pas endavant. Està clar que hauran de fer fora a algú, i Utah també em sembla el candidat idoni, crec que estan on estan justament perque Lakers no són el que haurien de ser, i perquè Houston també té alts i baixos de consistència. De totes maneres, aquests Lakers no em convencen, victòries per molt poc marge, havent de remontar...això desgasta molt.

I think yes. It's that kind of things that just happen. I can't say it's going to be because of refferees, the League, players, trainer (no, this it won't be for sure...),... it's just that I think it's going to happen. It's hard to tell that these bunch of guys can't create a team that don't get the playoff spot. I guess all players will step up. It is clear that they will push someone out, and Utah also seems to me the ideal candidate. I think they're where they're just because Lakers don't play as they should and because Houston also has many ups and downs. However, this Lakers don't convince me, many victories by a very little margin, having to make huge combacks....this erodes too much.

4. Shouldn’t we include Golden State and Houston in this conversation?=No.

No, crec que els Warriors arribaran a playoff tranquil.lament. És cert que últimament ja s'assemblen als de l'any passat, però hi ha equip, Bogut ha tornat i, recorde-m'ho, van començar molt i molt bé. És qüestió de tornar als inicis i jugar 
bàsquetbol. Tampoc, com he dit abans, crec que Houston quedi fora, tot i que a vegades perden partits que no deurien i això els podria costar una sorpresa final. També cal veure com Portland acaba la temporada, no hi confio molt i tenen els Lakers per davant, però queden 20 partits i estan a 4-5 victòries del 8è lloc.

No, I think the Warriors will reach the playoff spot easily. It's true, lately, they're look like last season's Warriors, though I think they have a Team, Bogut is back and, remember, they started very very good. It's just a matter of go back to basics and play basket. As I said before, I don't think Houston will be out. However, they lose some games the shouldn't and this would play an unpleasant surprise.

5. Who gets the 2 seed in the East?=Indiana.

Si. NYC té un equip massa gran per lluitar per la 2a plaça. Val més la pena guardar forces per lluitar durant el playoff que per una 2a plaça. Han de pensar que són capaços de guanyar Indiana, sense tenir en compte l'avantatge de camp. Si ells no poden fer això, doncs...oblideu-vos de guanyar l'anell!!

Yes. NYC is too aged to fight right now for the 2n seed. It's more worth to keep energy to fight in the playoffs that for a 2nd seed. They must think they're capable to beat Indiana, no matter who gets home court advantage. If they can't do that...so,...forget winning a ring!!

6. How do East seeds 4-8 shake out?=4.Boston; 5.Atlanta; 6.Brooklyn; 7.Chicago; 8.Milwaukee.

Jo penso que Brooklyn queda 4rt, Chicago 5è, Boston 6è, Milwaukee 7è i Atlanta 8è. Per a mí, els Nets tenen un millor equip i millor dinàmica. Chicago és el meu equip favorit i espero que Rose estigui de nou a les pistes (si no, aquesta temporada no té cap sentit!) i en fa de tot un món diferent, i no vull veure'ls al 7è o 8è lloc!!. Boston està creixent, malgrat que no té a Rondo, i juguen dur últimament, pero no veig que arribin al 4rt lloc. Milwaukee i Atlanta....m'és igual, no tenen cap valor, 10 dies a la post-temporada i ja els haureu oblidat!

My guess: 4. Brooklyn; 5. Chicago; 6. Boston; 7. Milwaukee ; 8. Atlanta. To me the Nets have a good team and good dynamics. Chicago is my favourite team and I hope Rose will be back (if not, this season has no sense) and makes everything different, and I don't want them being 7th or 8th!!!. Boston is growing, despite not having Rondo, and playing hard lately, but I don't see them getting the 4th. Milwaukee and Atlanta...I don't care, they're meaningless, 10 days after the beginning of the playoffs, you'll already forget them!

7. How much does home-court advantage really matter?=It matters, but maybe not that much.

Cada dia té menys valor el jugar a casa. Ara, els grans equips poden fer matxades guanyant últims partits de sèrie a camp contrari, quan se suposa que l'equip de casa t'ha de fumbre una pallissa. Però a la final, bé, potser juga un petit factor quan les coses no t'estan sortint i la grada t'empeny.

Nowadays, playing home is more meaningless. Now, big teams are able to make a huge game and victory away even in the 7th game of a series, when the home-team is supposed to blowout you. Anyway, having this small factor in the Finals, migjt play an iomportant role when your team is trying to do things right but are not going, then, they push you to the victory.

8. Does late-season success carry over into the playoffs?=Sometimes, yes.

No ho crec, o almenys no per tothom. És bo entrar en bona dinàmica, això sí, però venir de guanyar 10 o 20 partits consecutius....només t'apropa a la primera derrota. Cal saber que per passar de sèrie has de guanyar un partit més que el contrari, i no pas haver-ho de demostrar en tot un mes.

I don't think so or, at less, no for everyone. It is good to get into the playoffs in a good run or dynamics, however, come into winning 10 or 20 in a row...just makes you closer to the 1st lose. It is important to know that to get over a series, a team just have to win one more game than the rival, not having to demonstrate in a whole month.