Monday, January 7, 2013

Els Inicis

Comença l'aventura d'escriure en un blog!!
-This is my first day in this exciting adventure, a blog writer!!

per fí...sempre lligat a tecnologies, bàsicament per oci, he estat reticent fins a dia d'avui (i no sé molt bé perquè començo avui...però ho faig!) a obrir i parlar en un blog.
-I've been involved in using technology, mainly for videogames playing, despite of, I was reluctant of starting a blog (don't know why, but I'm starting today!!).

a vegades un pensa que no té molt a dir...i de vegades creus que un altaveu seria ideal per manifestar una opinió que creus interessant i que molta altra gent potser també està pensant però que no té ressò perquè no es pot fer pública. Crec que a la massa (anònima) social hi ha gent més preparada i amb més sentit comú i amb millor lingüística que molts 'gabinets d'experts' que molts equips o premsa tenen. Només per fer-los costat he pensat en engegar aquest projecte.
-The thing is, sometimes we have opinions that we think they must been communicated to others, share them, and just compare them to the ones the (supposed) 'experts' from teams and press have. I think the fans, the general population have thoughts that are very much proper and have more common sense than those experts usually have. Just to be out there with you all guys, I'm starting this project!

bé, no em considero expert en bàsquet, però m'agrada...m'agrada molt, molt....fins al punt que puc encadenar partit rera partit a la TV (i si pogués al pavelló, al pavelló!!) veient les estrelles de la NBA, Eurolliga, ACB i disfrutant d'un joc que m'ecanta, pels valors que transmet com a esport d'equip, com per la precisió que requereix per a la seva bona posada en escena, com per la noblesa que l'envolta (comparat amb altres esports...).
-See, I don't consider myself as Basketball expert, I like it, though.... I like it a lot, a lot... so much that I can envision several games in a row on TV (if I could, I would do it at the stadium!!) watching NBA stars (also Euroleague and Spanish league-ACB), enjoying a game that I love, not only because of the values it brings to people, but also because the accuracy it needs to be played for.

avui obro aquesta finestra a qui vulgui, però principalment per sentir que expresso tot allò que vaig recollint del que dia a dia extrec de tot el que llegeixo i penso!
-Today, I'm opening this window to anyone who wants to read it, but basically to feel that I share all my thoughts that come up after reading articles and watching games!!


fins ara!!
c u later!!


PS: I'll try to tell my opinions to others in English too (in advance,  I apologize for mistakes, please, excuse me), not because my writing is good enough, not because I have English family (I do have English-speakers friends), just because I like it!! and I owe it to the NBA!VinciLovesThisGame

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