Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Let's see the first Standings...Already 10 games for most of teams!!

Ja van 10 partits per quasi la majoria d'equips, anem a veure com els hi va:
It's already been 10 games for most of the teams, let's see how it goes:

Eastern Conference
Indiana1910.9000.07-14-16-03-19-1L 1
Miami2730.7002.05-32-05-12-27-3W 3
Chicago3630.6672.55-32-15-01-36-3W 5
Philadelphia4570.4175.04-30-04-31-43-7L 3
Atlanta5640.6003.05-12-03-13-36-4W 2
Charlotte6560.4554.55-40-22-33-35-5L 2
Orlando7460.4005.02-40-14-20-44-6L 1
Toronto8470.3645.52-51-02-32-43-7L 2
Boston470.3645.53-40-12-32-44-6L 3
Cleveland470.3645.53-60-33-11-63-7W 1
Detroit360.3335.52-10-12-21-43-6L 1
New York360.3335.53-30-01-52-13-6L 2
Brooklyn370.3006.01-40-02-21-53-7L 2
Washington270.2226.52-40-11-21-52-7L 4
Milwaukee270.2226.52-51-11-31-42-7L 5

Western Conference
San Antonio1910.9000.06-11-04-05-19-1W 7
Portland2920.8180.55-21-04-15-19-1W 7
Golden State3830.7271.56-32-15-03-37-3W 4
Oklahoma City4730.7002.04-32-14-03-37-3W 2
L.A. Clippers5740.6362.56-22-15-12-37-3L 1
Minnesota6740.6362.53-31-15-12-36-4W 1
Houston7740.6362.54-31-04-23-26-4W 2
Dallas8740.6362.52-31-15-02-46-4W 2
Phoenix540.5563.55-30-04-11-35-4L 2
Memphis650.5453.54-30-33-23-36-4W 3
L.A. Lakers570.4175.03-71-14-31-44-6W 1
Denver460.4005.03-62-23-21-44-6L 2
New Orleans460.4005.02-41-03-21-44-6W 1
Sacramento270.2226.51-50-22-50-22-7L 2
Utah1110.0839.01-70-21-50-61-9L 3

està clar que Indiana és la gran força a l'Est que pot fer front a Miami, que està fent un inici irregular, imagino que perque guardaran forces pel final, alguns comencen a ser grandets... Chicago capaç del millor i pitjor, Charlotte comença a defallir, i possibles sorpreses amb Philly, Atlanta i Toronto. El que no s'entèn és la marxa de Brooklyn i NY, i de Washington també m'esperava una mica més.
A l'Oest tot comença a posar-se en ordre, SAntonio està on li toca quasi sense fer soroll, com sempre, i Golden State/OKC/Clippers ben amunt (podrien encara estar inclús més amunt...no creieu?). Per fi Minessota i Dallas compleixen expectatives, i, curiosament, Memphis està molt per sota de les seves possibilitats. El que sí és digne de menció és l'inici de Portland, que l'any passat es va desinflar a l'últim tram de la fase regular, i aquest any semblen molt més forts, molt solvents (malgrat algun ensurt al final dels partits com el de Toronto).

it is obvious that Indiana is the 2nd greatest force in the East behind Miami, which its start is a little irregular because, I guess, they keep they energy for the end of the season, as some guys start to be old.... Chicago is able to do the best and worst, Charlotte is initiating its (obvious) dawnfall, and there are some surprises in Philly, Atlanta and Toronto that I wasn't expecting. Which is totally unfathomable is the path of Brooklyn and NY, and also Washington, from who everyone was expecting a lot more.
in the West, all puzzle pieces started to fit, SAntonio is on it's supposed to be, smoothly, unnoisy, quietly. As usual. And Golden State/OKC/Clippers on top (they could even be higher on standings...don't u think?). Finally, Minessota and Dallas accomplish expectations, and, curiously, Memphis is way below them. What is worthy to mention is Portland's beginning, a team that got flat at the end of the regular season last year, they look stronger this year, very reliable (despite some frightening game-ending as the one they had against Toronto a few days ago...).

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