Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Sonen alarmes precoces a l'NBA? / Very early alarm sounding in the NBA?

this post inspired my new comments:

tot i que no em sembla que els Jazz mereixin cap més comentari des d'ara fins a final de temporada...d'acord, són penosos, però què esperàveu?
per la resta de comentaris, sí, els Nets i els NYKnicks fan pena, de moment, potser els Nets són els que haurien d'estar més amunt, ja que porten competidors nous, però els Knicks....uf....sembla que tots vagin a la seva. No van acabar massa forts, i han començat pitjor.
els Lakers, clar, no es pot esperar res més que fer una (bona) mala temporada i rebre bones peces al Draft i encandilar algun free-agent.
els Grizzlies sí que m'han decebut...suposo q el fet de tenir entrenador nou no lliga encara amb bons resultats, però també semblen peces desorganitzades.
the Jazz won't deserve any other comment from now until the end of the season...who was expecting better results so far?
indeed, the Nets and the Knicks are a shame, so far, maybe the Nets are the ones who would be in higher seed at the standings, as they incorporated huge competitors to its roster, but the Knicks...wowowow....they look that their walking dead on the floor, without heads!! they did not finished very strong, and they have just started very plain!
the Lakers, of course, who could expect anything better, their only hope, to do a (nice) bad season to get some good Draft pieces and expect a great free-agent just being delighted by the purple-gold suit.
the Grizzlies really have disappointed me....I guess the fact that a new coach has come, that hasn't let them get to know to each other very much, they look very disorganized.

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