Rose s'ha trencat de nou.
Pobre Derrick, ara l'altra genoll, un menisc. Una lesió llarga. Amb la cara que posava quan estava recuperant-se del creuat (no ho veia clar), ara una altra lesió al dret, que l'apartarà de la temporada. La mateixa lesió que apartarà als Bulls d'acabar la temporada regular amb opcions a res més que una bona classificació (cal dir que, per mí, els Bulls han jugat millor quan Derrick no ho ha fet).
on no hi haurà massa 'flors i violes' serà a NY... quina temporada horrible han iniciat els Knicks. 'Melo no sabem si juga sol o en equip i amb pitjors percentatges d'encert; no tenen pivot; no hi ha direcció dins la pista (ni n'hi ha a Brooklyn!!); J.R. està fora de sí (sota efectes d'alguna substància encara...?); i Stoudemire és nul en defensa i miserable en atac (malgrat que ve d'una lesió llarga i força temps inactiu).
l'Est, serà Miami i Indiana, i poca cosa més. L'interès vindrà en determinats partits per veure com queden enquadrats, i l'evolució d'alguns rookies prometedors (Carter-Williams, Olynik, Oladipo). Els Pistons i Bobcats fan peneta però podrien arribar a playoff..
per cert, lletgíssima pista la nova dels Bucks....
m'agrada: torna el millor Lebron; Paul George i Indiana; Atlanta, Boston i Washington; Boozer (per números) i Vucevic.
no m'agrada: els Pistons i Josh Smith; Bucks y Mayo; Nets and Kidd (divertida però bruta la seva 'estratègia' contra Lakers).
Rose has broken back.
Poor Derrick, now the other knee, a meniscus, another long injury. After that sad face he posed as he was recovering from then cruciate (he wasn't faithful at all), now another injury that it last for the whole season. The same injury that would pull away the Bulls from serious options of finishing with a good seed and as a championship contender. Just for the record, I 'd like to say that the Bulls have played much better when Rose was out.
where you won't see much 'flowers' it will be at the Garden. What a terrible season the Knicks are initiating. Does 'Melo play by himself or with teammates?; there's no reliable Center; there's no direction on the floor (there's no direction either in Brooklyn!); JR is out of mind (is him still under some substance effect?); and Stoudemire is useless on D, and miserable at scoring (he just come from a long period of time out of order, though).
the East will be Miami and Indiana, and anything else. A little interest will come from what seed the other (trash) teams will get, and some of the rookies' progress (Carter-Williams, Olynik, Oladipo). The Pistons and the Bobcats, despite being so shameful, would get a playoff-place.
by the way, what an awful court the new Bucks one...
I LIKE: best Lebron's performance is back; Paul George and Indiana team; Atlanta, Boston and Washington; Boozer (by the numbers) and Vucevic.
I DON'T LIKE: Pistons and Josh Smith; Bucks and Mayo; Nets and Kidd (funny, but dirty his 'strategy' against the Lakers).
Friday, November 29, 2013
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Let's see the first Standings...Already 10 games for most of teams!!
Ja van 10 partits per quasi la majoria d'equips, anem a veure com els hi va:
It's already been 10 games for most of the teams, let's see how it goes:
està clar que Indiana és la gran força a l'Est que pot fer front a Miami, que està fent un inici irregular, imagino que perque guardaran forces pel final, alguns comencen a ser grandets... Chicago capaç del millor i pitjor, Charlotte comença a defallir, i possibles sorpreses amb Philly, Atlanta i Toronto. El que no s'entèn és la marxa de Brooklyn i NY, i de Washington també m'esperava una mica més.
A l'Oest tot comença a posar-se en ordre, SAntonio està on li toca quasi sense fer soroll, com sempre, i Golden State/OKC/Clippers ben amunt (podrien encara estar inclús més creieu?). Per fi Minessota i Dallas compleixen expectatives, i, curiosament, Memphis està molt per sota de les seves possibilitats. El que sí és digne de menció és l'inici de Portland, que l'any passat es va desinflar a l'últim tram de la fase regular, i aquest any semblen molt més forts, molt solvents (malgrat algun ensurt al final dels partits com el de Toronto).
it is obvious that Indiana is the 2nd greatest force in the East behind Miami, which its start is a little irregular because, I guess, they keep they energy for the end of the season, as some guys start to be old.... Chicago is able to do the best and worst, Charlotte is initiating its (obvious) dawnfall, and there are some surprises in Philly, Atlanta and Toronto that I wasn't expecting. Which is totally unfathomable is the path of Brooklyn and NY, and also Washington, from who everyone was expecting a lot more.
in the West, all puzzle pieces started to fit, SAntonio is on it's supposed to be, smoothly, unnoisy, quietly. As usual. And Golden State/OKC/Clippers on top (they could even be higher on standings...don't u think?). Finally, Minessota and Dallas accomplish expectations, and, curiously, Memphis is way below them. What is worthy to mention is Portland's beginning, a team that got flat at the end of the regular season last year, they look stronger this year, very reliable (despite some frightening game-ending as the one they had against Toronto a few days ago...).
It's already been 10 games for most of the teams, let's see how it goes:
Eastern Conference | ||||||||||
Eastern | W | L | PCT | GB | CONF | DIV | HOME | ROAD | L 10 | STREAK |
Indiana1 | 9 | 1 | 0.900 | 0.0 | 7-1 | 4-1 | 6-0 | 3-1 | 9-1 | L 1 |
Miami2 | 7 | 3 | 0.700 | 2.0 | 5-3 | 2-0 | 5-1 | 2-2 | 7-3 | W 3 |
Chicago3 | 6 | 3 | 0.667 | 2.5 | 5-3 | 2-1 | 5-0 | 1-3 | 6-3 | W 5 |
Philadelphia4 | 5 | 7 | 0.417 | 5.0 | 4-3 | 0-0 | 4-3 | 1-4 | 3-7 | L 3 |
Atlanta5 | 6 | 4 | 0.600 | 3.0 | 5-1 | 2-0 | 3-1 | 3-3 | 6-4 | W 2 |
Charlotte6 | 5 | 6 | 0.455 | 4.5 | 5-4 | 0-2 | 2-3 | 3-3 | 5-5 | L 2 |
Orlando7 | 4 | 6 | 0.400 | 5.0 | 2-4 | 0-1 | 4-2 | 0-4 | 4-6 | L 1 |
Toronto8 | 4 | 7 | 0.364 | 5.5 | 2-5 | 1-0 | 2-3 | 2-4 | 3-7 | L 2 |
Boston | 4 | 7 | 0.364 | 5.5 | 3-4 | 0-1 | 2-3 | 2-4 | 4-6 | L 3 |
Cleveland | 4 | 7 | 0.364 | 5.5 | 3-6 | 0-3 | 3-1 | 1-6 | 3-7 | W 1 |
Detroit | 3 | 6 | 0.333 | 5.5 | 2-1 | 0-1 | 2-2 | 1-4 | 3-6 | L 1 |
New York | 3 | 6 | 0.333 | 5.5 | 3-3 | 0-0 | 1-5 | 2-1 | 3-6 | L 2 |
Brooklyn | 3 | 7 | 0.300 | 6.0 | 1-4 | 0-0 | 2-2 | 1-5 | 3-7 | L 2 |
Washington | 2 | 7 | 0.222 | 6.5 | 2-4 | 0-1 | 1-2 | 1-5 | 2-7 | L 4 |
Milwaukee | 2 | 7 | 0.222 | 6.5 | 2-5 | 1-1 | 1-3 | 1-4 | 2-7 | L 5 |
Western Conference | ||||||||||
Western | W | L | PCT | GB | CONF | DIV | HOME | ROAD | L 10 | STREAK |
San Antonio1 | 9 | 1 | 0.900 | 0.0 | 6-1 | 1-0 | 4-0 | 5-1 | 9-1 | W 7 |
Portland2 | 9 | 2 | 0.818 | 0.5 | 5-2 | 1-0 | 4-1 | 5-1 | 9-1 | W 7 |
Golden State3 | 8 | 3 | 0.727 | 1.5 | 6-3 | 2-1 | 5-0 | 3-3 | 7-3 | W 4 |
Oklahoma City4 | 7 | 3 | 0.700 | 2.0 | 4-3 | 2-1 | 4-0 | 3-3 | 7-3 | W 2 |
L.A. Clippers5 | 7 | 4 | 0.636 | 2.5 | 6-2 | 2-1 | 5-1 | 2-3 | 7-3 | L 1 |
Minnesota6 | 7 | 4 | 0.636 | 2.5 | 3-3 | 1-1 | 5-1 | 2-3 | 6-4 | W 1 |
Houston7 | 7 | 4 | 0.636 | 2.5 | 4-3 | 1-0 | 4-2 | 3-2 | 6-4 | W 2 |
Dallas8 | 7 | 4 | 0.636 | 2.5 | 2-3 | 1-1 | 5-0 | 2-4 | 6-4 | W 2 |
Phoenix | 5 | 4 | 0.556 | 3.5 | 5-3 | 0-0 | 4-1 | 1-3 | 5-4 | L 2 |
Memphis | 6 | 5 | 0.545 | 3.5 | 4-3 | 0-3 | 3-2 | 3-3 | 6-4 | W 3 |
L.A. Lakers | 5 | 7 | 0.417 | 5.0 | 3-7 | 1-1 | 4-3 | 1-4 | 4-6 | W 1 |
Denver | 4 | 6 | 0.400 | 5.0 | 3-6 | 2-2 | 3-2 | 1-4 | 4-6 | L 2 |
New Orleans | 4 | 6 | 0.400 | 5.0 | 2-4 | 1-0 | 3-2 | 1-4 | 4-6 | W 1 |
Sacramento | 2 | 7 | 0.222 | 6.5 | 1-5 | 0-2 | 2-5 | 0-2 | 2-7 | L 2 |
Utah | 1 | 11 | 0.083 | 9.0 | 1-7 | 0-2 | 1-5 | 0-6 | 1-9 | L 3 |
està clar que Indiana és la gran força a l'Est que pot fer front a Miami, que està fent un inici irregular, imagino que perque guardaran forces pel final, alguns comencen a ser grandets... Chicago capaç del millor i pitjor, Charlotte comença a defallir, i possibles sorpreses amb Philly, Atlanta i Toronto. El que no s'entèn és la marxa de Brooklyn i NY, i de Washington també m'esperava una mica més.
A l'Oest tot comença a posar-se en ordre, SAntonio està on li toca quasi sense fer soroll, com sempre, i Golden State/OKC/Clippers ben amunt (podrien encara estar inclús més creieu?). Per fi Minessota i Dallas compleixen expectatives, i, curiosament, Memphis està molt per sota de les seves possibilitats. El que sí és digne de menció és l'inici de Portland, que l'any passat es va desinflar a l'últim tram de la fase regular, i aquest any semblen molt més forts, molt solvents (malgrat algun ensurt al final dels partits com el de Toronto).
it is obvious that Indiana is the 2nd greatest force in the East behind Miami, which its start is a little irregular because, I guess, they keep they energy for the end of the season, as some guys start to be old.... Chicago is able to do the best and worst, Charlotte is initiating its (obvious) dawnfall, and there are some surprises in Philly, Atlanta and Toronto that I wasn't expecting. Which is totally unfathomable is the path of Brooklyn and NY, and also Washington, from who everyone was expecting a lot more.
in the West, all puzzle pieces started to fit, SAntonio is on it's supposed to be, smoothly, unnoisy, quietly. As usual. And Golden State/OKC/Clippers on top (they could even be higher on standings...don't u think?). Finally, Minessota and Dallas accomplish expectations, and, curiously, Memphis is way below them. What is worthy to mention is Portland's beginning, a team that got flat at the end of the regular season last year, they look stronger this year, very reliable (despite some frightening game-ending as the one they had against Toronto a few days ago...).
Friday, November 15, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Sonen alarmes precoces a l'NBA? / Very early alarm sounding in the NBA?
this post inspired my new comments:
tot i que no em sembla que els Jazz mereixin cap més comentari des d'ara fins a final de temporada...d'acord, són penosos, però què esperàveu?
per la resta de comentaris, sí, els Nets i els NYKnicks fan pena, de moment, potser els Nets són els que haurien d'estar més amunt, ja que porten competidors nous, però els Knicks....uf....sembla que tots vagin a la seva. No van acabar massa forts, i han començat pitjor.
els Lakers, clar, no es pot esperar res més que fer una (bona) mala temporada i rebre bones peces al Draft i encandilar algun free-agent.
els Grizzlies sí que m'han decebut...suposo q el fet de tenir entrenador nou no lliga encara amb bons resultats, però també semblen peces desorganitzades.
the Jazz won't deserve any other comment from now until the end of the season...who was expecting better results so far?
indeed, the Nets and the Knicks are a shame, so far, maybe the Nets are the ones who would be in higher seed at the standings, as they incorporated huge competitors to its roster, but the Knicks...wowowow....they look that their walking dead on the floor, without heads!! they did not finished very strong, and they have just started very plain!
the Lakers, of course, who could expect anything better, their only hope, to do a (nice) bad season to get some good Draft pieces and expect a great free-agent just being delighted by the purple-gold suit.
the Grizzlies really have disappointed me....I guess the fact that a new coach has come, that hasn't let them get to know to each other very much, they look very disorganized.
tot i que no em sembla que els Jazz mereixin cap més comentari des d'ara fins a final de temporada...d'acord, són penosos, però què esperàveu?
per la resta de comentaris, sí, els Nets i els NYKnicks fan pena, de moment, potser els Nets són els que haurien d'estar més amunt, ja que porten competidors nous, però els Knicks....uf....sembla que tots vagin a la seva. No van acabar massa forts, i han començat pitjor.
els Lakers, clar, no es pot esperar res més que fer una (bona) mala temporada i rebre bones peces al Draft i encandilar algun free-agent.
els Grizzlies sí que m'han decebut...suposo q el fet de tenir entrenador nou no lliga encara amb bons resultats, però també semblen peces desorganitzades.
the Jazz won't deserve any other comment from now until the end of the season...who was expecting better results so far?
indeed, the Nets and the Knicks are a shame, so far, maybe the Nets are the ones who would be in higher seed at the standings, as they incorporated huge competitors to its roster, but the Knicks...wowowow....they look that their walking dead on the floor, without heads!! they did not finished very strong, and they have just started very plain!
the Lakers, of course, who could expect anything better, their only hope, to do a (nice) bad season to get some good Draft pieces and expect a great free-agent just being delighted by the purple-gold suit.
the Grizzlies really have disappointed me....I guess the fact that a new coach has come, that hasn't let them get to know to each other very much, they look very disorganized.
Friday, November 8, 2013
A little review before starting a new season, and some predictions
sí, al final puc dir que n'estic content, ja que no sóc fan d'equips fets a base de talonari i multiestrelles, però és cert que la remuntada èpica al 6è partit, en 29" i perdent de 5, va recordar imatges i escenes clàssiques i que, sens dubte, seran recordades per sempre (no puc evitar també pensar que en Lebron va fallar 2 tir al més pur estil Airball abans d'anotar-ne 1 de decisiu, sort del rebot ofensiu. El d'en Ray Allen sí que va ser espectacular.... per a això va ser fitxat!).
diferents problemes o entrebancs no m'han deixat accedir com jo voldria al blog, però també resumiré el què penso de la resta d'equips: gran gran decepció dels Clippers (crèdit molt disminuït, penso que ara han de fer molt per a que me'ls torni a creure...), sorpresa d'Indiana (i menor dels meus estimats Bulls, que ven coixos van passar per sobre dels Nets, i ho dic així, amb tota la cara) que va tenir als Heat de nou contra les cordes fins al 7è partit, decepció de NY (tot i que esperable, i es demostrarà aquest any; no és un equip compensat) i Brooklyn (menor, ja que estan en construcció), agradables sensacions d'uns Warriors que sempre prometen (i sempre es queden a mig camí...a veure aquest any!! He tingut la sort de veure el seu debut contra els Lakers al Oracle Arena i són un equip entusiasta com pocs i que et fa enganxar al bàsquet sí o sí!! -Oi Gemma?!!- de nou, prometen...veurem); drama-Lakerland que no podia acabar d'una altra manera que amb un rotund 4-0 a primera ronda (és igual el rival, haurien perdut amb qualsevol), i bones sensacions de Houston. A l'est no hi ha res més; a l'oest potser Memphis aquest any despunta, com pot ser que s'enfonsi.
la pretemporada es podria resumir en el fitxatge de Howard per Houston (comença a agafar forma el projecte amb l'arribada del complement per Harden), i el pas de Pierce+Garnett+Terry a Brooklyn.
amb l'avantatge de saber ja alguns resultats de l'inici de temporada (8 nov 2013), aviso pel que resta de temporada:
-possibles sorpreses agradables: EST detroit; OEST minessotta
-grans decepcions: EST chicago (sniff..., i NY); OEST L.A. clippers (i lakers)
-m'agradarà veure jugar: EST charlotte, i NY; OEST golden state, i phoenix,
-claus: EST: NY no té equip per guanyar res seriós, chicago no té l'hàbit de tornar a tenir DRose i iaxò és un hàndicap quan és la seva màxima estrella, ; OEST: L.A. clippers (pq en defensa ara no semblen massa forts, i deixen er molts punts)
-campions de DIVISIO: EST brooklyn, indiana, miami; OEST SAntonio, Oklahoma, Golden State.
-finals: miami vs houston/san antonio
-campió: si no hi ha lesions, Miami.
finally, Miami... I can't say I'm happy about that, as I'm not a fan of superteams made by overpaying or putting many star players altogether, but I also must say that their epic comeback with 29" to go in the end of the 6th game, down by 5, wow,'s something will be remembered for ages, a classic scene already (I can't avoid thinking about those 2 threes that Lebron missed like airballs before putting 1 decisive one, they got lucky in their offensive rebounding. Ray Allen's one actually was a spectacular one, terrific...that's why he was got hired!!)
diferents problemes o entrebancs no m'han deixat accedir com jo voldria al blog, però també resumiré el què penso de la resta d'equips: gran gran decepció dels Clippers (crèdit molt disminuït, penso que ara han de fer molt per a que me'ls torni a creure...), sorpresa d'Indiana (i menor dels meus estimats Bulls, que ven coixos van passar per sobre dels Nets, i ho dic així, amb tota la cara) que va tenir als Heat de nou contra les cordes fins al 7è partit, decepció de NY (tot i que esperable, i es demostrarà aquest any; no és un equip compensat) i Brooklyn (menor, ja que estan en construcció), agradables sensacions d'uns Warriors que sempre prometen (i sempre es queden a mig camí...a veure aquest any!! He tingut la sort de veure el seu debut contra els Lakers al Oracle Arena i són un equip entusiasta com pocs i que et fa enganxar al bàsquet sí o sí!! -Oi Gemma?!!- de nou, prometen...veurem); drama-Lakerland que no podia acabar d'una altra manera que amb un rotund 4-0 a primera ronda (és igual el rival, haurien perdut amb qualsevol), i bones sensacions de Houston. A l'est no hi ha res més; a l'oest potser Memphis aquest any despunta, com pot ser que s'enfonsi.
la pretemporada es podria resumir en el fitxatge de Howard per Houston (comença a agafar forma el projecte amb l'arribada del complement per Harden), i el pas de Pierce+Garnett+Terry a Brooklyn.
amb l'avantatge de saber ja alguns resultats de l'inici de temporada (8 nov 2013), aviso pel que resta de temporada:
-possibles sorpreses agradables: EST detroit; OEST minessotta
-grans decepcions: EST chicago (sniff..., i NY); OEST L.A. clippers (i lakers)
-m'agradarà veure jugar: EST charlotte, i NY; OEST golden state, i phoenix,
-claus: EST: NY no té equip per guanyar res seriós, chicago no té l'hàbit de tornar a tenir DRose i iaxò és un hàndicap quan és la seva màxima estrella, ; OEST: L.A. clippers (pq en defensa ara no semblen massa forts, i deixen er molts punts)
-campions de DIVISIO: EST brooklyn, indiana, miami; OEST SAntonio, Oklahoma, Golden State.
-finals: miami vs houston/san antonio
-campió: si no hi ha lesions, Miami.
finally, Miami... I can't say I'm happy about that, as I'm not a fan of superteams made by overpaying or putting many star players altogether, but I also must say that their epic comeback with 29" to go in the end of the 6th game, down by 5, wow,'s something will be remembered for ages, a classic scene already (I can't avoid thinking about those 2 threes that Lebron missed like airballs before putting 1 decisive one, they got lucky in their offensive rebounding. Ray Allen's one actually was a spectacular one, terrific...that's why he was got hired!!)
some troubles have put me apart from the blog, but I'm gonna tell you what I think about from the other teams' results from last season: huge disappointment from Clippers (to me, their credit has stepped down a lot, they need to do a lot more to trust them back...), Indiana surprise (and lesser from my beloved Bulls, who, being limp overpassed the Nets, and I'm telling it this way, yes!) that put the Heat against the ropes, again, at the 7th game, huge deception in NY city (although foreseeable, and it will be confirmed this new season; it's not a compensate roster) and Brooklyn (little lesser though, as they're 'under contstruction area'), pleasant feelings from the Warriors team that they always makes you create nice expectations (and always stuck in the middle of the road, let's see this year!! I've had the chance to attend to their premiere at the Oracle Arena this season against the Lakers and they are very enthusiastic and makes people get engaged to basketball easily -right Gemma?!!- , definitely!! this year nice expectations back, even higher), Lakerland drama finished as it needed to be (swept 4-0 first round, it doesn't matter who did it, it 'd had happened against anyone), and good feelings from Houston. No other teams in the East. In the West, may be Memphis this years either raises, the same way they sinks.
preseason would be summarized with the hiring of Howard by Houston (they start to look as a champ contender, good complementing Harden), and the transfer of Pierce+Garnett+Terry to Brooklyn.
with the little advantage of already knowing some results (now, Nov the 8th, 2013), I would say for the season 2013-2014:
-nice pleasant surprises: EAST detroit; WEST minnesota
-huge disappointments: EAST chicago (sniff..., and NY); WEST L.A. clippers (and lakers)
-watchable teams: EAST charlotte, and NY; WEST golden state, and phoenix
-keys: EAST: NY doesn't have a team to win anything serious, chicago shows uncomfortable with Dose playing, and this is painful when he is your brightest star; WEST L.A. clippers doesn't look concern enough about defense, and you know, without D, nothing really good happens (it also makes them a watchable team!)
-Divison Champs: EAST brooklyn, indiana, miami; WEST SAntonio, Oklahoma, Golden State.
-NBA finals: miami vs houston/san antonio
-NBA champion: if they stay healthy, Miami.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
1. Who will be the No. 1 overall seed, with home-court advantage through The Finals?=Miami.
Totalment d'acord, Miami sembla la 1ª (i quasi única) potència a l'Est, tret potser d'Indiana, que ja l'any passat els va posar en problemes. Però aquesta temporada, amb LeBron fent de tot i molt bé....difícil per Indiana, que s'ha de dir que sense fer soroll, ha anat de menys a més. Qui sap....Òbviament, el calendari de Miami no es pot comparar amb qualsevol equip de l'Oest, on la lluita és més dura. Veurem què fa OKC aprofitant que Parker està fora unes setmanes. Tot i així, l'any passat no els va servir de res l'avantatge de camp.
Fully agree, Miami seems the 1st (and likely the only one) power in the East, except maybe for Indiana, which already last season put Miami in very much trouble. However, this season, with a LeBron James doing everything and very good....tough for Indiana, I have to say that, with no making noise, that have gone from bottom to top, though. Who knows... Obviously, Miami's schedule it can't be compared with none in the West, where fight is harder. We'lls see how OKC will take advantage from Parker's loss. Anyway, last year OKC did not 'use' of home court adavantage.
2. Who wins the West?=OKC.
També d'acord. OKC com fa un moment deia, pot treure avantatge de la baixa de Parker. No veig als Clippers agafant OKC ni Denver amb tant temps o Memphis amb dinàmica guanyadora fins al final.
3. Will the Lakers make the playoffs?=?.
I think yes. It's that kind of things that just happen. I can't say it's going to be because of refferees, the League, players, trainer (no, this it won't be for sure...),... it's just that I think it's going to happen. It's hard to tell that these bunch of guys can't create a team that don't get the playoff spot. I guess all players will step up. It is clear that they will push someone out, and Utah also seems to me the ideal candidate. I think they're where they're just because Lakers don't play as they should and because Houston also has many ups and downs. However, this Lakers don't convince me, many victories by a very little margin, having to make huge combacks....this erodes too much.
4. Shouldn’t we include Golden State and Houston in this conversation?=No.
bàsquetbol. Tampoc, com he dit abans, crec que Houston quedi fora, tot i que a vegades perden partits que no deurien i això els podria costar una sorpresa final. També cal veure com Portland acaba la temporada, no hi confio molt i tenen els Lakers per davant, però queden 20 partits i estan a 4-5 victòries del 8è lloc.
No, I think the Warriors will reach the playoff spot easily. It's true, lately, they're look like last season's Warriors, though I think they have a Team, Bogut is back and, remember, they started very very good. It's just a matter of go back to basics and play basket. As I said before, I don't think Houston will be out. However, they lose some games the shouldn't and this would play an unpleasant surprise.
5. Who gets the 2 seed in the East?=Indiana.
Si. NYC té un equip massa gran per lluitar per la 2a plaça. Val més la pena guardar forces per lluitar durant el playoff que per una 2a plaça. Han de pensar que són capaços de guanyar Indiana, sense tenir en compte l'avantatge de camp. Si ells no poden fer això, doncs...oblideu-vos de guanyar l'anell!!Yes. NYC is too aged to fight right now for the 2n seed. It's more worth to keep energy to fight in the playoffs that for a 2nd seed. They must think they're capable to beat Indiana, no matter who gets home court advantage. If they can't do,...forget winning a ring!!
6. How do East seeds 4-8 shake out?=4.Boston; 5.Atlanta; 6.Brooklyn; 7.Chicago; 8.Milwaukee.
Jo penso que Brooklyn queda 4rt, Chicago 5è, Boston 6è, Milwaukee 7è i Atlanta 8è. Per a mí, els Nets tenen un millor equip i millor dinàmica. Chicago és el meu equip favorit i espero que Rose estigui de nou a les pistes (si no, aquesta temporada no té cap sentit!) i en fa de tot un món diferent, i no vull veure'ls al 7è o 8è lloc!!. Boston està creixent, malgrat que no té a Rondo, i juguen dur últimament, pero no veig que arribin al 4rt lloc. Milwaukee i Atlanta....m'és igual, no tenen cap valor, 10 dies a la post-temporada i ja els haureu oblidat!My guess: 4. Brooklyn; 5. Chicago; 6. Boston; 7. Milwaukee ; 8. Atlanta. To me the Nets have a good team and good dynamics. Chicago is my favourite team and I hope Rose will be back (if not, this season has no sense) and makes everything different, and I don't want them being 7th or 8th!!!. Boston is growing, despite not having Rondo, and playing hard lately, but I don't see them getting the 4th. Milwaukee and Atlanta...I don't care, they're meaningless, 10 days after the beginning of the playoffs, you'll already forget them!
7. How much does home-court advantage really matter?=It matters, but maybe not that much.
Cada dia té menys valor el jugar a casa. Ara, els grans equips poden fer matxades guanyant últims partits de sèrie a camp contrari, quan se suposa que l'equip de casa t'ha de fumbre una pallissa. Però a la final, bé, potser juga un petit factor quan les coses no t'estan sortint i la grada t'empeny.
Nowadays, playing home is more meaningless. Now, big teams are able to make a huge game and victory away even in the 7th game of a series, when the home-team is supposed to blowout you. Anyway, having this small factor in the Finals, migjt play an iomportant role when your team is trying to do things right but are not going, then, they push you to the victory.
8. Does late-season success carry over into the playoffs?=Sometimes, yes.
No ho crec, o almenys no per tothom. És bo entrar en bona dinàmica, això sí, però venir de guanyar 10 o 20 partits consecutius....només t'apropa a la primera derrota. Cal saber que per passar de sèrie has de guanyar un partit més que el contrari, i no pas haver-ho de demostrar en tot un mes.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
The Old Lakers, from the NYTimes sight
em llegeixo un article del NYTimes sobre els 'vells Lakers', he de dir que d'ençà que ha començat la temporada NBA 2012-13 és el tema que m'es m'ha motivat....observar la caiguda d'una espècie d'Armada Invencible muntada per a l'ocasió a base de (no podem dir talonari, però sí de imposar-se o forçar altres franquícies amb el logo Lakers com a principal virtud, a costa de deixar altres equips sense res de res, peladets, 'vease Orlando o Philly-un Bynum lesionat no és cap regal)
estan vells? mal ajustats? despistats per canvis d'entrenador a les primeres de canvi (jo ja no l'hauria deixat començar...)? o senzillament egos q no volen ser reduïts i per tant, més val ser la 'prima donna' que jugar per l'equip?
no ho sé, el cas és q ara ja han passat uns dies, sembla que poden jugar bé, però no em sembla q tinguin ni qualitat ni esperit necessari per jugar en equip...= fracàs.
em sorpendria que entressin en play-off...però qui sap, la màgia de l'esport pot fer que si hi arriben, inclús facin la temporada més increïble de la història!!
(recordem que cap equip q està en aquestes alçades amb el seu rècord ha acabat guanyant el títol...sí 7 equips han entrat-i perdut- a primera ronda de play-off!!!
I'm reading a NYT article about the 'old Lakers', I have to tell you, since NBA season started, this Lakers' staff has captivated the observe their downfall it's kind of the Armada Invencible story (see Spain's history of a huge amount of ships that were supposed to devastate British Island with not even one man dead....and yes, as you were thinking, they lost and runaway leaving Britain as surrenders) set through high salaries (forcing other teams to give away their best players going nothing in return, see Orlando and Philly-an injured-Bynum is not exactly a nice gift....)
are they old? bad adjusted? lost by coach changes (I wouldn't even let Mike Brown starting the season)? or simply egos that don't want to be shortened and so, to prefer being a 'prima donna' thant playing for the team?
IDK, the thing is that now, that a few days have gone, it seems that they can play well, although it doesn't seem that they have the quality and the spirit are needed to play in a Team...= failure.
I'd be surprised if they get the play-off...but, who knows, sports are magic, and it would bring them to the post-season and create the most incredible story in NBA history!!
(just for the record, none team at this point with their record has finished raising the NBA title, yet, 7 teams have reached playoff - and lost- 1st round!!!
estan vells? mal ajustats? despistats per canvis d'entrenador a les primeres de canvi (jo ja no l'hauria deixat començar...)? o senzillament egos q no volen ser reduïts i per tant, més val ser la 'prima donna' que jugar per l'equip?
no ho sé, el cas és q ara ja han passat uns dies, sembla que poden jugar bé, però no em sembla q tinguin ni qualitat ni esperit necessari per jugar en equip...= fracàs.
em sorpendria que entressin en play-off...però qui sap, la màgia de l'esport pot fer que si hi arriben, inclús facin la temporada més increïble de la història!!
(recordem que cap equip q està en aquestes alçades amb el seu rècord ha acabat guanyant el títol...sí 7 equips han entrat-i perdut- a primera ronda de play-off!!!
I'm reading a NYT article about the 'old Lakers', I have to tell you, since NBA season started, this Lakers' staff has captivated the observe their downfall it's kind of the Armada Invencible story (see Spain's history of a huge amount of ships that were supposed to devastate British Island with not even one man dead....and yes, as you were thinking, they lost and runaway leaving Britain as surrenders) set through high salaries (forcing other teams to give away their best players going nothing in return, see Orlando and Philly-an injured-Bynum is not exactly a nice gift....)
are they old? bad adjusted? lost by coach changes (I wouldn't even let Mike Brown starting the season)? or simply egos that don't want to be shortened and so, to prefer being a 'prima donna' thant playing for the team?
IDK, the thing is that now, that a few days have gone, it seems that they can play well, although it doesn't seem that they have the quality and the spirit are needed to play in a Team...= failure.
I'd be surprised if they get the play-off...but, who knows, sports are magic, and it would bring them to the post-season and create the most incredible story in NBA history!!
(just for the record, none team at this point with their record has finished raising the NBA title, yet, 7 teams have reached playoff - and lost- 1st round!!!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Els Inicis
Comença l'aventura d'escriure en un blog!!
-This is my first day in this exciting adventure, a blog writer!!
per fí...sempre lligat a tecnologies, bàsicament per oci, he estat reticent fins a dia d'avui (i no sé molt bé perquè començo avui...però ho faig!) a obrir i parlar en un blog.
-I've been involved in using technology, mainly for videogames playing, despite of, I was reluctant of starting a blog (don't know why, but I'm starting today!!).
a vegades un pensa que no té molt a dir...i de vegades creus que un altaveu seria ideal per manifestar una opinió que creus interessant i que molta altra gent potser també està pensant però que no té ressò perquè no es pot fer pública. Crec que a la massa (anònima) social hi ha gent més preparada i amb més sentit comú i amb millor lingüística que molts 'gabinets d'experts' que molts equips o premsa tenen. Només per fer-los costat he pensat en engegar aquest projecte.
-The thing is, sometimes we have opinions that we think they must been communicated to others, share them, and just compare them to the ones the (supposed) 'experts' from teams and press have. I think the fans, the general population have thoughts that are very much proper and have more common sense than those experts usually have. Just to be out there with you all guys, I'm starting this project!
bé, no em considero expert en bàsquet, però m'agrada...m'agrada molt, molt....fins al punt que puc encadenar partit rera partit a la TV (i si pogués al pavelló, al pavelló!!) veient les estrelles de la NBA, Eurolliga, ACB i disfrutant d'un joc que m'ecanta, pels valors que transmet com a esport d'equip, com per la precisió que requereix per a la seva bona posada en escena, com per la noblesa que l'envolta (comparat amb altres esports...).
-See, I don't consider myself as Basketball expert, I like it, though.... I like it a lot, a lot... so much that I can envision several games in a row on TV (if I could, I would do it at the stadium!!) watching NBA stars (also Euroleague and Spanish league-ACB), enjoying a game that I love, not only because of the values it brings to people, but also because the accuracy it needs to be played for.
avui obro aquesta finestra a qui vulgui, però principalment per sentir que expresso tot allò que vaig recollint del que dia a dia extrec de tot el que llegeixo i penso!
-Today, I'm opening this window to anyone who wants to read it, but basically to feel that I share all my thoughts that come up after reading articles and watching games!!
fins ara!!
c u later!!
PS: I'll try to tell my opinions to others in English too (in advance, I apologize for mistakes, please, excuse me), not because my writing is good enough, not because I have English family (I do have English-speakers friends), just because I like it!! and I owe it to the NBA!VinciLovesThisGame
-This is my first day in this exciting adventure, a blog writer!!
per fí...sempre lligat a tecnologies, bàsicament per oci, he estat reticent fins a dia d'avui (i no sé molt bé perquè començo avui...però ho faig!) a obrir i parlar en un blog.
-I've been involved in using technology, mainly for videogames playing, despite of, I was reluctant of starting a blog (don't know why, but I'm starting today!!).
a vegades un pensa que no té molt a dir...i de vegades creus que un altaveu seria ideal per manifestar una opinió que creus interessant i que molta altra gent potser també està pensant però que no té ressò perquè no es pot fer pública. Crec que a la massa (anònima) social hi ha gent més preparada i amb més sentit comú i amb millor lingüística que molts 'gabinets d'experts' que molts equips o premsa tenen. Només per fer-los costat he pensat en engegar aquest projecte.
-The thing is, sometimes we have opinions that we think they must been communicated to others, share them, and just compare them to the ones the (supposed) 'experts' from teams and press have. I think the fans, the general population have thoughts that are very much proper and have more common sense than those experts usually have. Just to be out there with you all guys, I'm starting this project!
bé, no em considero expert en bàsquet, però m'agrada...m'agrada molt, molt....fins al punt que puc encadenar partit rera partit a la TV (i si pogués al pavelló, al pavelló!!) veient les estrelles de la NBA, Eurolliga, ACB i disfrutant d'un joc que m'ecanta, pels valors que transmet com a esport d'equip, com per la precisió que requereix per a la seva bona posada en escena, com per la noblesa que l'envolta (comparat amb altres esports...).
-See, I don't consider myself as Basketball expert, I like it, though.... I like it a lot, a lot... so much that I can envision several games in a row on TV (if I could, I would do it at the stadium!!) watching NBA stars (also Euroleague and Spanish league-ACB), enjoying a game that I love, not only because of the values it brings to people, but also because the accuracy it needs to be played for.
avui obro aquesta finestra a qui vulgui, però principalment per sentir que expresso tot allò que vaig recollint del que dia a dia extrec de tot el que llegeixo i penso!
-Today, I'm opening this window to anyone who wants to read it, but basically to feel that I share all my thoughts that come up after reading articles and watching games!!
fins ara!!
c u later!!
PS: I'll try to tell my opinions to others in English too (in advance, I apologize for mistakes, please, excuse me), not because my writing is good enough, not because I have English family (I do have English-speakers friends), just because I like it!! and I owe it to the NBA!VinciLovesThisGame
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